He Is At Work- Part 4

This blog week I have been sharing with you various ways that the Lord has been at work through my new adventure of personal shopping. From the grocery store isles to the produce department, he has been busy reminding me that there is no such thing as “perfect” and that there are just somethings that we do not have control over in this life. But, the one thing that has been most obvious each day is that he is at work through me and the people that I am meeting.

See, in an attempt to help my family financially during my daughters leukemia battle, the Lord is using this experience to connect me & my customers together for reasons that we may or may not be aware of in the present, as well as provide a much needed service. I have met elderly individuals/couples who rely on personal shoppers, like myself, for their groceries due to their inability to drive . There have been moms who are home with small children that I have delivered to who reminded me of myself when my children were younger. It was so darn hard to take them shopping with me and unload the groceries when I returned home. Not to mention those who have been ill and unable to get to the grocery store.

The scenario’s that I have mentioned here are only a few that I have encountered . There have been many. But I will tell you that something has come out of each one of them. Whether the Lord used them to teach, show or remind me &/or my customers of something, he has certainly been at work in the process of this whole adventure. It’s so beautiful honestly. I just never know what is going to transpire when I drive up to their home, condo, apartment or place of employment in my little Chevrolet Sonic. But I am certain that the Lord will show up and be at work in the midst of it all!

On that note, I will end there. I apologize that I did not get this last blog post for the week out on Thursday as usual. Please give me grace. (LOL) . Let’s plan on meeting back here on Monday and on Facebook until then. Have a great weekend and a beautiful Easter Sunday with those that you love! Take care !!!

Warmest regards,

Salina Watson

He Is At Work- Part 3

In a grocery store setting, what does produce, empty shelves and improper bagging of groceries all have in common? Well, if you recently ventured out into the world of personal shopping to help support your family during your daughters leukemia battle, it could be that they all have the potential to drive you CrAzY! At least that is the case for me.

Take the produce department at your local grocery store for instance. Have you ever stood there looking for a piece of fruit for any length of time to only find all of them bruised, blemished or too ripe? What about the little bags that you put them in? Did it take you forever to get them open? I know, what about the one product that you desperately need that they don’t have or getting home to find that your meat is bagged with the soap you just purchased?  Oh my goodness, all of these things have happened to me on more than one occasion as I raced through the stores attempting to deliver my customers groceries to them on time and they have honestly been so frustrating.

So what does any of this have to do with our topic of HE IS AT WORK this week? Well, it has everything to do with it. See, each time a scenario as such or similar occurs, the Lord is at work teaching me that I don’t have control over any of them; therefore, I must learn to let them go. I’m laughing at myself as I type this because it so silly. I mean….it’s groceries, Salina. But this goes back to what I shared with you yesterday in regards to the things that my grandfather said to me as a young girl that I have carried into my adult life like, “If you’re going to do something, DO IT”! And ” Your name is on everything you do”.  Although these things were said to me out of love, over the years I have allowed them to weigh me down and expect more from myself than anyone else can possibly expect from me.

With that said, I am still learning. But I am further along in the process than I was 3 weeks ago. Thank goodness. My hope in sharing this with you today is that you will some how see yourself in this and begin to give yourself grace. For he did not die on a cross for any of us to live in bondage. And by expecting things from ourselves that we do not have control over, we are essentially keeping ourselves bound.

Happy Thursday, my friends! Make it a great one! Take care!!!

Warmest regards,

Salina Watson




He Is At Work- Part 2

What type of work could the Lord possibly be doing in the heart of a personal shopper? Well, as The Faith Filled Traveler who has been traveling around town the past few weeks shopping for others, I can tell you that he is definitely at work in me and that he is using things like peanut butter and fruit snacks to do it. Yes, you heard that right…peanut butter and fruit snacks.

Since I was a young girl I learned the importance of hard work. My grandfather would always say, ” Salina, if you’re going to do something…DO IT”! In other words, do it 100%. He would also say, “You’re name is on everything that you do”. Although this advice was good and given to me with a loving heart, it has weighed me down more times than I care to admit.

See…when I do anything and I mean ANYTHING, I want to do it the best that I possibly can. This sometimes means taking a little longer to do whatever it is that I am doing to ensure that it is done right, or at least  done “right” in my eyes. It can also mean checking, double checking and sometimes even triple checking myself . That said,  as a personal shopper, you are racing against a clock to deliver groceries to your customers by a designated time. You don’t have time to check, check and recheck.

Although this process has been a little difficult for me, it has really helped me to let go of my need to be “perfect” and to be confident in my work from the start. I am able to quickly check the quality of the product and it’s expiration date and move on to the next. Now, I will not say that I have mastered this, but I am a whole lot better at it now than I was 3 weeks ago.

My point? The Lord is teaching me to be confident in my work from the start and to give myself some slack. He is also showing me that being “perfect” is an illusion that will never be obtained. For the only thing “perfect” in this life is he. Everything else is a work in progress! Rest in knowing that, my friends!

I’ll see you here tomorrow as we continue our talk on HE IS AT WORK and on Facebook-https://www.facebook.com/thefaithfilledtraveler/  this afternoon! Make it a great day! Take care!

Warmest regards,

Salina Watson


He Is At Work

Have you ever set out to do something with a specific goal in mind and then later learn that there was so much more attached to it? Better yet, did you discover that the Lord was at work using it for your good and the good of the kingdom? I certainly have. In fact, this has been the case for me the past 3 weeks.

As most of you already know, our oldest daughter, Morgan relapsed with leukemia in June 2018. Since that time she has spent many hours in the clinic and hospital receiving treatment. As a result of this, I have been home caring for her, unable to work. Considering that I spent 25 years in the healthcare industry working long & often stressful hours, this has been a huge adjustment for me.

That said, I have been trying to find creative ways to help my family financially, yet be available for them, when needed. This had lead me to discover various on demand employment opportunities with the most recent one being personal shopping. For those of you that may not be aware of this concept, this is basically where customers do their shopping online at various stores like Kroger, Market Street, Sprouts, etc. and shoppers, like myself , pick up the items and deliver it to their homes. The great thing about this business model is that you can do it at your leisure. You schedule your hours when it is convenient for you.

All that to say this, when I set out on this journey a few short weeks ago, I did so to help my family and to some how contribute to the world around me. After all, it’s what I had been doing for the duration of my adult life. Although,  this process has been a little different. Perhaps it is because I am a little older &  wiser and recognize it, or maybe it is that this Lord is at work in a fresh new way.

Whatever the case may be, I’d like to share it with you. For the next 3 days I will share some of the experiences that I have encountered on this journey and some of the lessons that I have learned along the way. I hope you will join me. If so, I’ll see you right back here tomorrow. Take care!

Warmest regards,

Salina Watson

Lessons Learned- Part 2

What lesson could one possibly learn or be reminded of from a pair of aqua colored smores dress socks? Well… I can’t answer for everyone, but as the mother of the young man who was wearing them to prom underneath his navy blue suit this past Saturday night, the reminder was clear…..DO NOT TAKE LIFE SO SERIOUSLY! HAVE FUN! ENJOY!

As a wife and mother of nearly 27 years, I have always been very focused and intentional. I have a plan for everything that I do and a reason for it, too. Although these two qualities can be beneficial to some degree, they can also be harmful if I am not careful. See, by being so focused on what I am doing, I can miss the opportunity to enjoy each moment. That is, I can miss the opportunities to laugh , have fun and be playful with those that I love. Can you relate to this at all?

I think that this is one of the many things that the Lord was referring to in John 10:10 when he said, ” I have come that they may have life, and may have it abundantly.” While we do have responsibilities that must be taken care of, he wants us to enjoy the life we have been given. This means, making room for fun, laughter, playfulness while tending to our obligations. Yes, there are obviously times when we must be serious, but in the grand scheme of things, the majority of life is really not so serious. And I am talking to myself here as much as I am talking to you.

So, how do we that? How do we make keep from making everything so darn serious? I don’t have the answer to that entirely, but I am going to start by looking for things that bring me joy when I enter a room. Whether that is someone who is smiling,  a child that is laughing or being silly, I am going to strive to take note of those things with the hope that they will set the tone for whatever it is that I am doing. And if you have a suggestion, please share. The good Lord only knows that I need a little help in this department.

Have a great weekend, guys! I’ll plan on seeing you here on Monday! Take care!

Warmest regards,

Salina Watson

Lessons Learned



Have you ever noticed how the Lord uses the ordinary everyday things in our lives to teach us new things or to remind us of old? Although I believe there is  room to learn and grow in everything that we do, I feel like there are times when he magnifies certain lessons. Or, maybe it’s just that we are more aware of them.

This was the case for me this past weekend when my son, Montana was preparing for his senior prom. As I sat back watching it all unfold, there were several lessons that I was reminded of. One of the greatest of these was that those who care for us the most will be by our side through the good and not so good. Thankfully, prom was an example of the good.

I’m pretty sure my daughter’s, Morgan and Mariah were just as excited about Montana’s special day as he was, maybe even more so. They were helping him dress, offering advice, snapping pictures before he left the house to pick up his date and even joined us for pictures with his friends at a little village near our home. They did this all while grinning ear to ear. It was priceless. As their mother, it made me so proud.

See, those that care for us  the most will celebrate with us. They will grieve with us, too. They are the ones that will be by our side through it all. But they are rare. Not everyone is intended to fill these shoes.  For I believe that the Lord has strategically placed certain special people in our lives that are meant to be our partners in this way. The good news is, we will not have to search for them. They will show up. Just keep your eyes and ears open. You’ll soon notice the one’s that are always there when you need them and often when you don’t realize that you do.

Warmest regards,

Salina Watson


Taking Control of Our Response When The Unexpected Occurs


This blog week we have been talking about the unexpected things that arise in our lives and how they effect us. But the truth is although we generally do not have control over these things, we do have control of how we respond to them. That’s right, the choice is inevitably up to us.

My daughter, Morgan is a prime example of this. As some of you already know, this past September a chloroma (cancerous tumor)  was found above her left eye as a result of her relapsing with leukemia 3 months prior. As you can see from the photo, her eyelid was swollen shut and discolored. These symptoms lasted several weeks.

Morgan could have allowed this unexpected diagnosis on top of the leukemia  to rob her of joy. After all,  it required her to be admitted into the hospital twice for a week or more at a time, undergo surgery and then radiation. However, she took on a different approach. While there were some not so good days , she chose to take one day at a time and to be thankful for each of them. During that process, she learned a lot about herself and grew as a young woman. While she did not have control over the chloroma, she did have control of her response to it. As her mother, I’d have to say that her response was that of a champion.

My friends, unexpected events will come. And none of us will be able to dodge them when they do. But, we do not have to give them power. No, instead we can embrace the power that we have been given, be confident in that , and be assured the this too shall pass!

I hope you guys have a great Thursday afternoon and a wonderful weekend! I’ll plan on seeing you here on Monday. Take care!!!

Warmest regards,

Salina Watson


Learning and Growing Through Unexpected Events

Have you ever noticed how when unplanned events happen in our lives we become more present and aware of things? Not only that, but we tend to be more compassionate towards others as a result. I can certainly see where this has been the case in my own life.

5 years ago this coming May, my family and I had to put our little dog, Pistach down unexpectedly. Out of no where one Monday morning he became very ill. 5 short days later on my 22nd wedding anniversary  we found ourselves at an emergency clinic late that evening having him “put to sleep”. As you can imagine, this unexpected event left my family and I heartbroken.  Honestly, we were all devastated.

One of the things that I found interesting after his passing is just how much we missed the little things he would do that brought us such joy. Many of which we still talk about to this day.  He would do things like meet us at the door after a long work &/or school day as though he was welcoming us home. And he always seemed so happy to see us. The one thing that he would do with me was join me in the kitchen super early in the mornings. He would sit quietly staring at me waiting on a treat and  became very excited when I would offer one to him.

The thing is, I think we took these things for granted until they were no longer a part of our day. Not only did the unplanned event force us to be more present and aware of the joy that he brought us as a result of his absence, but we became more compassionate towards others who have faced similar situations since.

I think this is what the Lord was referring to when he said, ” I will take what was meant for your harm and use it for your good”. See, although unplanned events often cause things to happen that we would not have chosen on our own, they ultimately work in our favor by forcing us to learn and grow. In hindsight can you see where this may have been the case in your own life? Has there been something that has happened unexpectedly that has helped you to see things differently or perhaps notice something for the first time? Could the Lord have used it to help you grow in some way?  I’m guessing the answer is yes.

While none of us like being surprised by unexpected events like the one that I shared with you today, lets strive to find something good in them. For there is always something good to be found, if we have the eyes to see it!

Warmest regards,

Salina Watson


Unexpected Events That Change Us

What are somethings that happen to us when our agenda’s for the day or for our life change in an instant due to unforeseen circumstances? I can’t speak for everyone, but for me, I draw closer to the Lord. Now, I haven’t always been this way; however, with time and experience I have learned that it is the one and only thing that gets me through the situation whether it be significant or insignificant.

Take my daughter, Morgan’s illness for instance. As many of you already know, she relapsed with leukemia in June 2018 and has been receiving treatment since that time. As you can imagine, this along with her initial diagnosis in December 2009 were unexpected and life changing, to say the least. Everything that we were doing and planning at the time that we received the news of both came to a halt. Needless to say, our lives took on completely different directions each time.

During moments like this it is easy to get discouraged, loose hope and ask why. That is, when life does not go the way that we plan for it to or think that it should. Thankfully, the Lord is in control and has a plan for it all. While I do not believe that he causes things like this to happen, I do believe that he uses it for our good. This is where faith comes in, my friends. We must trust that the unexpected things that arise in our lives will be used for our good. In my case, Morgan’s illness has truly deepened my relationship with our Creator and allowed me to share my faith with the world.

So, is there something in your life that has happened unexpectedly? Could the Lord be using it to change you in some way? It may not be an illness, but something that you were not planning on, none the less. Perhaps it’s time to look at it from a different angle. You might just find that there is something within it that is meant to help you…not harm or discourage you.


Warmest regards,

Salina Watson

Things Can Change In An Instant

Good morning, everyone! Happy Monday! Where in the world did the weekend go? It vanished in a blink! I feel like there should be a law that everyone must take 3 days off each week. Two days doesn’t seem like enough, does it?  After all, it takes one day to recover from the previous week , another to prepare for the upcoming week, and then you have to find time for recreation in between.  Can I please get an amen this morning?!?!

Well…now that we have that out of the way, lets get started. Have you noticed how things don’t always go as planned? I mean you can have good intentions for your day, but then something happens that throws everything off course. This was the case for the Watson’s yesterday.  While one of our children and their friend were running a quick errand, they were hit by another vehicle. The driver of that vehicle darted out of the median into oncoming traffic. Thankfully, everyone involved were okay; however, it left the two of them saying, “It’s strange how things can change in a matter of minutes.”

It’s true! Life as we know it can change in an instant. And it generally happens without notice, as with the accident. I’m sure each of you can relate to this on some level.  I know I sure can. There have been many times in my own life where I was blind sided by things that completely changed the course of my life.  It was as though, life as I knew it up until then stopped and a new life began. Although not every unexpected event will have this type of effect on us, they will certainly effect us in someway.

Can you think of a time when something happened unexpectedly in your life? How did it make you feel in that moment? Was it something that changed the course of your day, or did it impact your life? This is what we will be talking about this blog week. My hope is that we will some how be able to see the Lords hand in it all. While I do not think that he causes unforeseen things to happen to us , I do believe that he allows them so that we can learn and grow as a result of them. I hope that you will stick around as we dive deeper into this topic this week. I’ll see you here tomorrow. Take care!

Warmest regards,

Salina Watson