Lessons Learned- Part 2

What lesson could one possibly learn or be reminded of from a pair of aqua colored smores dress socks? Well… I can’t answer for everyone, but as the mother of the young man who was wearing them to prom underneath his navy blue suit this past Saturday night, the reminder was clear…..DO NOT TAKE LIFE SO SERIOUSLY! HAVE FUN! ENJOY!

As a wife and mother of nearly 27 years, I have always been very focused and intentional. I have a plan for everything that I do and a reason for it, too. Although these two qualities can be beneficial to some degree, they can also be harmful if I am not careful. See, by being so focused on what I am doing, I can miss the opportunity to enjoy each moment. That is, I can miss the opportunities to laugh , have fun and be playful with those that I love. Can you relate to this at all?

I think that this is one of the many things that the Lord was referring to in John 10:10 when he said, ” I have come that they may have life, and may have it abundantly.” While we do have responsibilities that must be taken care of, he wants us to enjoy the life we have been given. This means, making room for fun, laughter, playfulness while tending to our obligations. Yes, there are obviously times when we must be serious, but in the grand scheme of things, the majority of life is really not so serious. And I am talking to myself here as much as I am talking to you.

So, how do we that? How do we make keep from making everything so darn serious? I don’t have the answer to that entirely, but I am going to start by looking for things that bring me joy when I enter a room. Whether that is someone who is smiling,  a child that is laughing or being silly, I am going to strive to take note of those things with the hope that they will set the tone for whatever it is that I am doing. And if you have a suggestion, please share. The good Lord only knows that I need a little help in this department.

Have a great weekend, guys! I’ll plan on seeing you here on Monday! Take care!

Warmest regards,

Salina Watson

Lessons Learned



Have you ever noticed how the Lord uses the ordinary everyday things in our lives to teach us new things or to remind us of old? Although I believe there is  room to learn and grow in everything that we do, I feel like there are times when he magnifies certain lessons. Or, maybe it’s just that we are more aware of them.

This was the case for me this past weekend when my son, Montana was preparing for his senior prom. As I sat back watching it all unfold, there were several lessons that I was reminded of. One of the greatest of these was that those who care for us the most will be by our side through the good and not so good. Thankfully, prom was an example of the good.

I’m pretty sure my daughter’s, Morgan and Mariah were just as excited about Montana’s special day as he was, maybe even more so. They were helping him dress, offering advice, snapping pictures before he left the house to pick up his date and even joined us for pictures with his friends at a little village near our home. They did this all while grinning ear to ear. It was priceless. As their mother, it made me so proud.

See, those that care for us  the most will celebrate with us. They will grieve with us, too. They are the ones that will be by our side through it all. But they are rare. Not everyone is intended to fill these shoes.  For I believe that the Lord has strategically placed certain special people in our lives that are meant to be our partners in this way. The good news is, we will not have to search for them. They will show up. Just keep your eyes and ears open. You’ll soon notice the one’s that are always there when you need them and often when you don’t realize that you do.

Warmest regards,

Salina Watson