The Gift of Now- Part 2

How many times have you found yourself replaying an event of your past in your mind? Perhaps it was something that you regret or something that you are very proud of. Do you find yourself often bringing it up in conversation with others? One of the greatest ways we forgo living in the present moment and embracing THE GIFT OF NOW is by spending too much time revisiting the events of our past in our thoughts.

Isaiah 43:19 (NIV) says- “Forget the former things: do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. In this passage we are reminded that the Lord is busy working on our behalf…today. Although the things of our past, whether good or not so good, all helped to move us closer to who we were created to be, they’re old. He is providing new, fresh and beautiful things for each of us daily. Sure, we can occasionally reflect on the old as a reminder of his faithfulness in our lives, but we shouldn’t allow them to take up residence in our minds and rob us of THE GIFT OF NOW.

So how do we keep from dwelling on the things of our past and embrace the GIFT OF NOW? Well, I for one, use past experiences as triggers to focus on something in the present. In other words, if a thought enters my mind from the past that is taking up too much of my time and energy, I will find something around me to redirect my attention to. And it’s generally something that I express gratitude for internally in that moment.

That said, is there something or some things from the past that are keeping you from fully embracing THE GIFT OF NOW that the Lord has graciously given you? I would love to hear from you so that I can pray for you in this regard, if you are willing to share. For He has a multitude of new and beautiful things sprouting up around you in THE GIFT OF NOW. Don’t miss it, my friends!

Warmest Regards,

Salina Watson

The Gift of Now

Good Monday morning, my friends! How are you guys doing ? Hopefully, you are rested up from the weekend and ready to get this new week started. I certainly am. Although I have no idea what is in store for me in the days ahead, as none of us do, I am faithful that they will be good, none the less. Now, let’s jump into this blog weeks topic of THE GIFT OF NOW, shall we?

Do you ever find yourself replaying an event in your mind that happened in your past whether good or not so good? Or, have you found yourself on any given day wondering where the heck the time went? What about being anxious about what the future holds? I, for one, can answer yes to all 3 questions. And from experience, I can attest that each one of those scenarios kept me from fully embracing the present, which is all we really have….THE GIFT OF NOW.

I was reminded of this on Saturday morning when I stopped by Einstein Bros Bagels to pick up a quick bite for the first time. As I stood waiting on my bagel with a caffeinated beverage in hand, this sign caught my attention and seriously had me thinking about the words … “LIFE IS SHORT STAY AWAKE FOR IT”. See, the Lord has given each of us a designated amount of time on earth in which to fulfill his plan for our lives. This can only be accomplished in the present, moment by moment. Unfortunately, the majority of us are either sleep walking through each day, reliving our past or so focused on our future that we miss the GIFT OF NOW.

With this in mind, I would like to spend the next three days of the blog week diving deeper into this truth. We will talk about the past, the auto pilot present day and the future. My prayer is that we will begin to see the GIFT OF NOW that has graciously been given to us by the Creator of The Universe and fully embrace it for the precious gift that it is. I hope you will join me! Make it a great day! See you soon!

Warmest Regards,

Salina Watson