Noticing the Small Stuff

Good Monday morning, everyone. I hope you all had a great weekend. It was a beautiful one here in North Texas. The favorable temperatures combined with the sunny skies had the Watson’s out and about a bit. Saturday we spent a good portion of my husbands birthday at the Dallas RV Show, and Sunday, he & I enjoyed a 9 mile walk around White Rock Lake. Needless to say, it was a much needed weekend for us all.

With that said, this week I wanted to touch on enjoying the small stuff. Living in this place in time, we are all so busy. Life seems to be going at a record speed. From the time that we awake each morning until we lie down each night, it seems as though our days are filled with the many things that we have to do. At least, this seems to be the case in our home.

The problem with this is that if we do not practice being mindful of the things that are going on around us in the process of checking things off of our “To-Do” list, we will miss the small stuff. By “small stuff”, I mean blessings. See, as we are going about our day, there are blessing all around us. I call them “hidden gems”. They are everywhere. From the conversations that we have with people, to the little things that are going on in the back ground, blessing can be found in them all.

The squirrel in the picture above in an example of this. I had no idea that John had taken it while we were at the lake. I was too busy doing other things that I missed it. It wasn’t until we got home and I started looking through the pictures that I stumbled across it. How in the world did this little creature notice John in the midst of all that was going on at the lake?  More importantly, how did John notice it? It was as though time had stopped for only a minute for the two of them to get a glance at one another. It’s so beautiful.

My point? There are blessings amongst us, but we must be willing to slow down long enough to notice them. Otherwise, we will miss the opportunity to seize them. I believe that each one of these blessings are a smile from God letting us know that he not only sees us, but that he is with us.

My prayer for you today, is that you will be more aware of the ” small stuff”. That you will not take them for granted. Keep your eyes and ears open, my friends. As you do this, you will become more and more aware of the Lords presence in your life. He is all around you and making his presence known!

Warmest regards,

Salina Watson


4 thoughts on “Noticing the Small Stuff

  1. Squirrels are funny when I would go on a walk, which I have not done in a while. I would see how many squirrels I would see and also how many faces I could see in the clouds. Since when I look in the sky I can see the faces that are in the clouds.


  2. Yes, yes, yes!! Slowing down to enjoy the small moments that make our lives so rich is a reminder I need all the time!! And that little squirrel is so cute!


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