Dare To Be- Part 2

Have you ever found yourself feeling paralyzed by a circumstance that occurred in your life? Perhaps it was the loss of a job, the passing of a loved one or a betrayal. Did you feel as though a part of your identity had been stripped away in the process? I, for one, can relate to all three examples, and if you have lived long enough, it is likely that you can too.

I believe that unfavorable circumstances as such have the potential of throwing us off course, which is natural for a period of time. However, if we are not careful, the affects of these circumstances can keep us from evolving into the men & women that we were created to be, if we hold on to them for an extended period of time. This will inevitably result in our God given assignments going unfulfilled or perhaps not at the capacity at which they were intended.

The good news is, those same circumstances have the potential of doing the complete opposite, if we change our approach to them. That is, if we will redirect our power towards the greater of the two. Take my daughter, Morgan, for instance. In 2009, she was diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia. After 3.5 years of extensive chemotherapy, which left her disabled, followed by 1 year of treatment for pulmonary hypertension, she was in remission for 5 years before relapsing in June 2018. Since that time she has been receiving various forms of treatment and has spent many days in clinics, labs and confined to hospital rooms.

My point? Although no one would fault Morgan for being bitter for the life that she has been given, she feels blessed because of it. The experiences that she has encountered over the years due to her illness, has created within her a grateful heart. Why? Because she knows first hand that tomorrow is not guaranteed and that each day is a gift. See, Morgan has chosen to give power to the gift of the present , not her disease. And she is using the gift of today to boldly share her story with a mission to bring hope to the world by showing the faithfulness of God, which she believes to be her assignment in this life.

So what am I saying? While unforeseen circumstances will inevitably arise and are out of our control, we get to choose how we will approach each of them. Our choices will ultimately move us closer to who we were created to be in love or further away from it out of fear. What will you choose? Will you DARE TO BE who you were created to be and do that which you were created to do? Or, will you allow your circumstance to dictate the outcome? Choose wisely, my friends…choose wisely!

Warmest Regards,

Salina Watson

9 thoughts on “Dare To Be- Part 2

  1. I love this, Salina! Morgan is a wonderful example of choosing how to cope with our stumbling blocks in life! I have often wondered how some people have so many tragedies in life yet still go on and seem to be happy. We all know life has its ups and downs but I really believe that God is the answer to living the good life. Love all of you Morgan’s. ❤️

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  2. I am finally coming into who I am supposed to be that God has designed me to be. It has taken a very long time for me to heal mentally. Course people would say that it was so long ago, being 16 when my mom took her life. Now 47 and finally coming to grips as to the events. How the enemy has always tried to use that against me. Then in 2011 my dad after getting diagnosed with Leukemia died in a freak auto accident. I am finally seeing who I am through Jesus. I will take that challenge and DARE TO BE.

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