Living… Learning…Growing

Good Monday morning, everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. With our oldest daughter, Morgan being in the hospital for the past 6 days, the Watson’s weekend was not quite what we would have planned, but we did manage to get a little rest in here and there. That in itself is something to be thankful for, right?  Besides, for the past month, I don’t feel like there has been much “rest” taking place within our four walls, at least not for this mom.

Some of you may have noticed that my social media presence has been minimal  and that my blog post have been non existent over the course of the past 4 weeks. To be honest, I had been working really hard on the personal shopping adventure in an effort to help my family from a financial standpoint. As you can imagine, not working outside of our home for nearly a year in an effort to be available for our daughter as she under goes treatment for a leukemia relapse, has put a bit of a strain on us. On the other hand, it has also been a blessing in that I have been able to do all of the things for my family that I have needed/wanted to do.

With that said, since starting my personal shopping adventure 2 months ago,  I have learned quite a bit  and have been reminded of just as much. Particularly, in the past 4 weeks I have gained a lot of knowledge about the company that I was contracted for as a result of the hands on experience that I acquired. Unfortunately, a good portion of it has not been positive. Actually, it has been quite the opposite in the natural. However, we serve a super natural God who has graciously taught me so very much through this experience, and I would like to share some of it with you.

Over the next 3 days, I am going to dive into some of the valuable lessons that I have learned and some of the things that he has reminded me of, with the hope that it will some how benefit you. After all, that is what this life is all about.… living, learning and growing. There are no mistakes. Every circumstance that we encounter is an opportunity for us to come out on the other side of it better that how we started. So, will you join me? If so, I’ll plan on seeing you here tomorrow morning and on Facebook until then. Take care!

Warmest regards,

Salina Watson



2 thoughts on “Living… Learning…Growing

  1. Have been missing the blog and looking forward to the life lessons God has allowed you. If it wasn’t for the valleys, we wouldn’t enjoy the mountain tops as much. May God bless you and your family.


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