Letting Go Of The Old While Embracing The New

Can you think of something in your past that served a purpose at the time, but no longer serves you today? Take this old barn for example, I’m sure at one time it served the purpose of housing farm animals like horses, but in it’s current state, it would not be a good option for them today. This brings me to my first point of the blog week of things that keep us from embracing the new and that is the past.

See, if we allow it, our past will rob us from the new and beautiful things that the Lord is doing in our life today. One thing that stands out in my own life, is our children.  When they were younger, I would  teach, guide and protect them by holding their little hands and walking them through various experiences. But now that they are older, I let them figure somethings out on their own. And while I am here to love, support and advise them should they want me to, I no longer hold their hands. I believe this approach gives the Lord space to do what he wants to do in and through them.

So, could there be something in your past that is keeping you for embracing the new things that the Lord is trying to do in your life today? Perhaps its something that you’ve been doing for years that served a purpose initially, but no longer serves you today. Or, maybe it is something or someone that hurt you. Are you allowing it/them to keep you from embracing the new? If so, it’s time to let it go! Don’t allow the old to keep you from the new, my friend! For HE is doing a NEW THING!

Warmest regards,

Salina Watson

4 thoughts on “Letting Go Of The Old While Embracing The New

  1. I keep trying to get rid of my past for good, there are things that I have pushed down so I didn’t have to deal with. I am trying each day to be a better version of me.

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